onsdag 24. september 2014

English - A world wide language!

Hello to all my fantastic readers!

English is a global language. In this blog update you can learn something about, how the English language was made through time.

English have been made through hundred of years, many wars have given the language many new words.
Over 350 different words have been stolen from other languages, so English could use them as their own.
English is used as a common language on the internet and in busness.
The normans gave the english language many new words, they helped the language to evolve and expand.
Vikings also gave a lot of words to the english language, when they  sailed down the coast of england to steal and kill.

xoxo The Waffleboy

onsdag 10. september 2014

A little walk

Good Day Everyone!

Today we went for a walk. Our task was to describe our enviroment. When we walked slowly down the very wide road we saw, heard and smelled different things. The wind blew high up in the trees, and the leaves were shaking. It smelled of rain and new grown forrest. A little down the road we saw the building and construction workers, and some teachers. We also saw some cars, a sportsarena and a excavator. We found a gravelroad. When we walk down this road inside the forrest we found a little hutt. It was a very nice hutt with a pool and other luxurious things inside of it. After this expedition we walked back to our nice teacher inside the classroom.

xoxo The Waffleboy

onsdag 3. september 2014

When you teach your son, you teach your son's son


The quote you can see in the title is what i am going to write about today. I think the meaning of it is that, what you teach youre child is your son going to tell his/her kids. Youre child often uses their parents as a rolemodel. So if their rolemodel tells them one thing or what to do or how to behave they are most likely going to tell their kids. This is very important, because it is not very good if the parents learn their children do behave bad. Then the child often learn their children to behave bad also! 
It is very important to think before you act in front of your children.

Snap: Vglj

xoxo The Waffleboy

mandag 1. september 2014

School Trip


It has been a while since I updated my blog now! The reason is that me and my amazing class have been on a school trip. That lasted for 4 days. It has been 4 days full of fun.

We drove from high school 08.30, we drove for 3 hours before we stopped in the great city of Lillehammer. In Lillehammer we ate on Mc Donalds and buyed food for dinner and breakfast the next day. When we had done all of this, we went back into the buss and started driving towards "Hell". "Hell" is a place in Norway where you can find some big potholes. Potholes is big holes that the water have made through decades. Hell was our last stop before we stopped the place we were going to sleep that night. We made some dinner and went to sleep in our tents after we had been chased by some big bulls.

We woke up in our tents at 07.00 this morning, because we were going to raft this morning. 09.00 we had to meet our rafting guide, we got a russian guide, he was absolutely crazy. After a brief training session we started rafting down the Sjoa river. We fell in the river many times and the water was so cold that we lost our fingers. The rafting was so much fun and scary at the same time! After the rafting we headed back to the camp and packed our bags, and took down our tents, before we went to the bus. Next stop was Lom and the Norwegian mountain museum. We had a tour in the museum and watched a film about the "Under the ice" exhibition. When we had watched the whole thing, we went back into the buss and started driving towards a glacier. The last stop of the day was on top of a mountain near Juvasshytta. We met a guide that took us into a glacier and showed us the art inside and the ice that was supposed to be 6000 years old. After this amazing experience. We headed to the plaze we should camp for the next two days. "Bøverdalen Vandrerhjem".
Inside the glacier.
Outside the glacier.

The weather was absolutely stunning this morning when we woke up. The first thing we did was eating som breakfast inside Bøverdalen Vandrehjem  before we packed our bags with some food and something to drink, before we went to the bus that drove us to Juvasshytta. When we arrived aat Juvasshytta a guide welcomed us, and we got a brief lesson on how to walk on the mountain "Galdhøpiggen". Galdhøpiggen is the highest mountain in the Northern-Europe and Norway. We started walking, and its was a lot of stone and gravel and such things on that path we walked. After 3,5 hours we were finally at the top. The weather was so good that we saw half of Norway from the mountain that is 2469 metres high. On the top a can of Cola costs 40 kr?! When we walked back down i fell and broke my wrist, it hurted so much, but i survived (luckily). When we got back down the bus drove us to our camp again. We ate dinner, and got to sleep again.
On our way to the top.
We finally reached the top in the absolut stunning weather we could see many other mountains in the horizon.

This morning we washed our hutts. When everybody were done we walked into the bus and started driving the long way home. After 9 hours on the road we were finally home again. The only negative thing was that i had been very sick during this amazing trip.

Leave a comment if you liked the update.

xoxo The Waffleboy